- 1991
We started as trading company for import , export of following products 1) Pipe line products such as steel , stainless steel pipes, fitting for Air conditioning projects and industrial application 2) Stainless steel sheets 3) Galvanized , and Black M.I. pipe fittings
- 1998
Diversified in stainless steel Fabrication such as Hand rail , column cladding etc.
- 2002
We added Manufacturing of Garbage chute system , Garbage trolleys , compactor as Value addition to our existing product range.
- 2006
We signed agreement for technical know to manufacture Garbage chute system from well-known manufacturer OSTERMIER GMBH Germany , In addition to this we also diversified to design and offer super market freezer cabinet , Road side advertisement vehicle.
- 2012
Started assembly and marketing of heat pump for domestic water and swimming pool water heating and cooling.
- 2018
started import and installation of solar water heater for domestic application , we also started marketing and assembly for industrial cooling system. We have taken partnership with local company GULF ENGINEERING SYSTEM SOLUTIONS FOR horizontal diversification to our existing product range for product like Dehumidifier , Air conditioning controls etc.
- 2021
Design and Manufacturing of cooling vest, caps and towels
- 2022
Manufacturing & marketing of water saving spray heads, Fogging & misting nozzles for Industrial application